What If You Had a Superpower? Learn to Talk About It in Spanish!

fantásticas Mar 11, 2025
stories in spanish to learn spanish fast fantasy tales

 This is the episode #5 of our series "Historias fantásticas" para aprender español. Imagine waking up one morning and suddenly being able to hear people’s thoughts. Sounds exciting, right? But what if you started discovering things you didn’t want to know? What if people’s words and their real thoughts didn’t match?

That’s exactly what happens to Isabel in today’s Spanish listening practice for intermediate learners. Everything seems normal until she suddenly realizes she can listen to what others are thinking. First, it’s her husband. Then, strangers on the street. But soon, the ability becomes overwhelming.

But beyond the fascinating story, this Spanish lesson will teach you how to express hypothetical situations, describe extraordinary abilities, and talk about the unseen emotions of those around us—all while improving your Spanish fluency!

Why Learn Spanish Vocabulary About Superpowers? 

Learning how to talk about superpowers is not just for fun—it helps you practice some of the most useful grammar structures in real-life Spanish conversations. Let’s break it down:

1. Expressing Hypothetical Situations in Spanish 

In the story, Isabel’s sudden ability to read minds makes her wonder:

💭 ¿Me estoy volviendo loca? 

(Am I going crazy?)

💭 ¿Cómo es posible que pueda escuchar lo que la gente piensa? 

(How is it possible that I can hear what people think?)

These kinds of questions are great for practicing hypothetical or unreal situations in Spanish. Here’s how you can use them in everyday life:

🔹 Si pudiera leer la mente, sabría cuándo la gente me miente. 

(If I could read minds, I’d know when people lie to me.)

🔹 Si tuviera el poder de hacerme invisible, entraría gratis al cine. 

(If I had the power of invisibility, I’d sneak into the movies for free.)

🔹 Si alguien me diera un superpoder, elegiría la teletransportación. 

(If someone gave me a superpower, I’d choose teleportation.)

The structure “Si + imperfect subjunctive, conditional” is key to talking about “what if” scenarios, and you can apply it beyond superpowers to discuss dreams, possibilities, and imaginary situations.

2. Talking About Abilities Using the Present and Past Subjunctive 

In the story, Isabel discovers she can listen to people’s thoughts when she hears:

💬 Qué bonito cabello tiene. ¿Estará a dieta? 

(She has beautiful hair. Is she on a diet?)

💬 Me siento muy solo, ojalá pudiera hablar con alguien. 

(I feel very lonely. I wish I could talk to someone.)

The second example uses “ojalá + past subjunctive” to express wishes that are unlikely or impossible. This is incredibly useful in real-life conversations when expressing desires or regrets:

Ojalá pudiera volar para evitar los atascos. 

(I wish I could fly to avoid traffic jams.)

Ojalá existiera una máquina del tiempo. 

(I wish a time machine existed.)

Ojalá todos pudieran entender lo importante que es la empatía. 

(I wish everyone could understand how important empathy is.)

3. Describing People’s Hidden Feelings in Spanish 

One of the most interesting parts of the story is when Isabel realizes that people carry silent worries and emotions that they don’t express out loud. 

This is a great way to practice indirect speech and perception verbs in Spanish, which are essential for describing social interactions.

🔹 Parecía tranquila, pero en realidad tenía muchos pesares. 

(She seemed calm, but in reality, she had a lot of worries.)

🔹 Aparentaba estar feliz, pero en su mente solo pensaba en sus problemas. 

(She looked happy, but in her mind, she was only thinking about her problems.)

🔹 Siempre sonríe, pero quién sabe qué bicho le picó hoy. 

(She always smiles, but who knows what’s wrong with her today.)

These expressions help add depth to conversations, allowing you to go beyond simple sentences and truly capture emotions in Spanish.

4. Using Spanish Phrases to Talk About the Unknown 

Isabel finds a mysterious bracelet and infers that it has magical powers. This is a great opportunity to learn how to express speculation or doubt in Spanish:

💭 Debe de tener poderes especiales. 

(It must have special powers.)

💭 Quién sabe si el dueño de la pulsera vendrá a buscarla. 

(Who knows if the bracelet’s owner will come looking for it.)

💭 No daba crédito a lo que estaba viendo. 

(She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.)

These expressions allow you to speculate, express disbelief, and add intrigue to conversations—perfect for storytelling or discussing unexpected situations.

If you want to absorb more expressions and vocabulary in Spanish while you enjoy a fantasy story don't miss this Spanish lesson.

👇🏼 Watch the full video now and unlock the mystery

By watching this Spanish story, you’ll not only improve your Spanish listening skills, but also learn how to talk about hypothetical situations, special abilities, and people’s hidden emotions in Spanish, it’s time to put it into practice!

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