⭐️ How to Talk About Goals in Spanish? A Conversation to learn Spanish

conversaciones Feb 04, 2025
conversations in spanish to learn spanish 57

 Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution or personal goal, only to realise it’s harder than you thought? In this new episode of "Diálogos cotidianos en español", Salo decides he wants to wake up early every day—but his friend Miguel isn’t convinced he’ll succeed.

This Spanish lesson will help you learn how to talk about goals, motivation, and challenges using natural expressions that Spanish speakers use in everyday conversations.

Why Learn Vocabulary Related to Goals in Spanish? 

Whether you’re talking about self-improvement, productivity, or new habits, knowing how to express goals and obstacles in Spanish is essential. Here’s why:

1️⃣ Talking About Personal Goals in Spanish

When setting a new goal, you need to describe it as realistic or achievable:

🗣️ “Creo que mi meta es factible.” 

(I think my goal is achievable.)

🗣️ “Este año quiero aprovechar mejor mi tiempo.” 

(This year I want to make better use of my time.)

2️⃣ Expressing Doubt or Skepticism in Spanish

If someone sets a goal that seems too ambitious, you might react like Miguel:

🗣️ “¿En serio piensas que lo vas a lograr? ¡Qué ingenuo eres!” 

(Do you really think you’ll make it? How naive! 😆)

🗣️ “Apuesto a que en cinco días te rajas.” 

(I bet you’ll quit in five days!)

3️⃣ Motivating Yourself or Others 

When trying to stay disciplined, use these phrases:

🗣️ “Con un poco de disciplina, todo es posible.” 

(With a little discipline, anything is possible.)

🗣️ “No me subestimes, esta vez lo voy a lograr.” 

(Don’t underestimate me, this time I’ll make it!)

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