episode #11
episode #11

family and relatives

Learn Spanish vocabulary in an easy and efficient way. In this new episode of “Vocabulario Básico”, you will learn 50 terms related to family and relatives in Spanish. I provide you with the respective subtitles in English so that you can understand the meaning of all these words. Additionally, at the end of the video we practice with some examples and exercises so that you can remember and memorize some of them in a practical way. These terms are part of the most basic vocabulary in Spanish and if you are just starting to learn this beautiful language this is a good way to start.

family and relatives

Learn Spanish vocabulary in an easy and efficient way. In this new episode of “Vocabulario Básico”, you will learn 50 terms related to family and relatives in Spanish. I provide you with the respective subtitles in English so that you can understand the meaning of all these words. Additionally, at the end of the video we practice with some examples and exercises so that you can remember and memorize some of them in a practical way. These terms are part of the most basic vocabulary in Spanish and if you are just starting to learn this beautiful language this is a good way to start.